SOUL simplicity

Simple. That has been a major theme that seems to keep coming up for me. I have been on a journey of balancing my love of creativity bringing joy vs. bringing stress. I have passions for many things and want to do more things than one person is capable of doing. My faith in God and His way being better then my own has continued to press me into Him to seek His help and guidance in where to put my time and energy. I know that He gives all gifts, therefore I know He has given me my passion to create. But I allow it to take over me, my mind, my identity and I forget where my true identity and satisfaction is found. I will create for me and my value instead of creating in Him and unto Him. When I am aligned with Him is when my creativity brings the most joy and peace.
A few weeks ago I had come to a climax of being totally overwhelmed and consumed with all these things I wanted to do, but couldn't accomplish. I decided to take 2 weeks to let go of everything that wasn't TOTAL NEED. Make it SIMPLE. I didn't purchase anything that wasn't total need and just focused on my daily tasks that needed to get done and let everything else, including any extra social get togethers go. Keep it SIMPLE. I used the time and energy I had been spending on all these other things to pray and be thankful for all I have. I can not begin to express the peace that a thankful heart brings. We loose sight of ALL we have when we get obsessed with the never ending list of things we want!
Over that 2 weeks I was painting the walls in my house white, I took all the frames off the wall and was "starting over". It was so neat because it was so symbolic of what God was doing in my soul. Purging me of all the junk that was distracting me from the sufficiency I have in Him. As I was painting it was like God was renewing me. He was telling me,  "Just BE. Enjoy the day, enjoy what you have today! Your family, your home, MY love." Keep it SIMPLE. Be thankful.
image found at Modern Hepburn

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